Join Our Conference
Help Make a Difference for Local Families. Join Us!Our local friends and neighbors need your talents, your know-how, your concern, your love. Vincentians are teachers, nurses, secretaries, laborers, factory workers, housewives, students, and retirees – people from every walk of life. We are people just like you.
Our Mission & Vision
We all need a little help sometimes.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul exists for the purpose of helping people in need. The St. Victor SVdP Conference offers a wide range of help with basic needs for local area people struggling with the difficulties of unemployment, under employment, and poverty.
We provide help without regard to people’s religion, race, gender, personal status, ethnicity or age. We strive to honor the dignity and privacy every person deserves.
St. Vincent de Paul
Serving those in Need
“No work of Charity is foreign to the Society.”
Here are some examples of past assistance:
- Clothing, furniture, household, etc.
- Coaching and mentoring
- Household/personal care items
- Rent/mortgage assistance
- Loan of Medical equipment
- Medical/pharmacy bills
- Mobile food pantry co-sponsor
- Referrals to local resources
- Scholarships
- Utility assistance
Your Importance
The Society would not exist without its members and volunteers, who are integral to our Mission. There are a number of ways that you can participate in the mission of the St Victor Conference.
We would welcome your involvement! Won’t you join us in helping our friends and neighbors in need?
Email Us To Explore Joining SVdP: [email protected]
Call Us to Learn More About Joining: (608) 329 – 7837 Ext. 228

Active Members
Are those who participate in the prayer life, meetings, and charitable activities through personal contact with the poor of the Vincentian Conference or Council in which they have been received.
Associate Members
Are those who are associated with the Society by formal action of the Conference or Council with which the Member will be joined. Associate Members are those who sincerely or publicly accept the Society Rule but may or may not belong to the Catholic Church and may or may not attend the Conference meetings or engage in the works of the Society on a regular basis. They are invited to attend general meetings and special observances of the Society and to participate in its charitable activities.
Help your neighbors in need.
Grow in service, friendship
and spirituality.
– Pope Francis
“You must not be content with tiding the poor over the poverty crisis. You must study their condition and the injustices which brought about such poverty with the aim of long term improvement.”
– Frederic Ozanam, SVdP Founder
Frequently Asked Questions
What time commitment is involved?
We recognize that the level of involvement members can commit to will vary depending on personal circumstances. Review the two categories of membership to see which best fits you.
What can I expect as a member?
You can expect to be welcomed as a friend, respected as an individual, and included in all discussions. Decisions in the Conference are made by consensus, with everyone’s opinions respected. You can expect to pray as a group, and discuss our spiritual reflection at each meeting. We come together to grow spiritually through friendship and service. You can expect all the support you need to become a Vincentian.
Do members have to be Catholic?
Active members are required to be of the Catholic faith. It is not a requirement of Associate members. Associate members are a very important part of our Conference; while they cannot hold office, they may participate in all other aspects of Conference life. To enable a full experience of the Society and individual acts of service, members are encouraged to be open to prayer and reflection.
What is Vincentian Spirituality?
Vincentians see their work as a continuation of Christ’s work.
Central to Vincentian spirituality is:
- To see Christ in the poor and marginalized.
- To serve with humility, authenticity, and without judgement.
- To give of one’s self, rather than the simple provision of material assistance.
Who do members help?
The Society’s members may help ANYONE in need. One of the principle elements of St. Vincent de Paul is to meet people face to face; we do this most often in their homes. Vincentians may coach or mentor friends in need when applicable.
Are there leadership opportunities for members?
There are many opportunities for members to contribute to servant leadership They include officer positions (Active members), chairing projects of the Conference, and opportunities to mentor fellow members in their Vincentian journey.